Friday, February 25, 2011

Artheart 4 April 2nd

April 2nd 2011 is the ArtHeart art show be there to support lots of local artist . It will be @ Pompano City Centre again, which is a good place to see an art show for sure. I will post the flyer soon.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Slasher sundays screw super bowl thats wack

In honor of superdork bowl Im going to start " Slasher sundays " . This is where we that do not care about the super dork bowl fest go and rip it up. So lets get out there and slash it up dagger style.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

UrbanPop art classes

Urban Pop classes are happening, make it a point to attend.Ruben Ubiera is a great artist and takes everyday items and makes it into great art. He is prob one of my favorite local artist,skateboarder,and good friend. Ruben will inspire you and make you think out of the box and back in. If you get a chance sign up for his class it will be worth it I promise.